Zet has just been named the Texas Festival and Events Association Professional of the Year! We are in Ft. Worth for the annual TFEA convention, where Zet received this prestigious award from her peers in the event production industry. This award is in recognition of her many years of organizing and developing the King William Fair, as well as all her work with the Celebration Circle and numerous other non-profit organizations.
I don't know if you're aware of how truly blessed we are to have Zet's energy in the Celebration Circle. She brings such a loving, caring and organizing force to everything she's involved in, but most of what she does goes largely unrecognized, because she works so quietly and effectively, seldom drawing attention to herself. After twenty-five years of organizing our weekly Circle gatherings, as well as the many art exhibits, classes, retreats and concerts that the Circle offers, she makes it all look easy, but it isn't always. As Spiritual Director of the Circle, as well as her partner (and a grateful beneficiary of her gifts as a facilitator, producer and organizer) for the past 38 years, I'm delighted that she has finally received this high level of recognition for her many years of service to the ideals of community and creativity, translated into action through her loving attention to detail.
It was a meaningful day for her with family and friends present. Her brother and sister-in-law, Gary & Ann, drove in from Oklahoma City, plus her brother Linus flew in from San Antonio for the presentation. Mateo and I were glad to be there to witness her happiness, along with her co-worker, Syeira Budd, plus other Fiesta event friends joining in. It was a special time! Congratulations, Zet!
With joy,
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