I wrote the following poem many years ago while hiking through the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas:
The cold clear water of Charlton Creek
murmurs and mumbles an ancient song
as it tumbles headlong through the mountains
I try to sing along, but my tiny human voice is swept aside
by the breezes stirring through the trees
by the sheer size of this majestic forest, stretching far past the horizon
by the strident cries of a zealous blue jay
guarding his wooded domain
There is nothing to do but remain
in the face of such a display of royalty
and wait in humility
Kneeling on the spongy, green woodland floor
I swear my oath of loyalty once more:
"I pledge allegiance to Mother Earth
and to all Beings which walk, fly, swim or stand
One Strand, indivisible,
With affinity and respect for All"
At the time I wrote this, the feelings which this creek fostered and the solemn oath which it imprinted on my soul seemed unique to that particular "power spot" and its breathtaking vista.
But, since then, I've had similar experiences in a variety of locations: from the top of the Rockies to the bottom of Grand Canyon; from the heart of the Yucatan jungle to the edge of the Bavarian Black Forest; floating on the Dead Sea, and wading in the river next to my own back yard. Each of these (and many others) was a sacred space in its own way, engendering a sense of awe and wonder. Time and again, I've been forced to release my tenuous grasp on the top rung of the "food chain," and remember once again that every creature is my relative, that every spot is Holy Ground, and that becoming aware of our Oneness is not just a good idea, it is the very ground of our being.
As the national debate over climate change and environmental regulations continues, I believe it's more important than ever to be mindful of our relationship to Mother Earth as servants and stewards, not dominators and manipulators, of our environment. Such a shift in consciousness requires a massive change in orientation and acculturation occurring one person, one day, one decision at a time.
It is precisely this kind of incremental, individual shift in perspective that we seek to nurture and support in the Celebration Circle. Week after week, we meet to affirm our willingness to learn new ways of being and seeing. To free ourselves from the grip of our fears and unfold into our limitless possibilities.To be more compassionate with ourselves and each other.
Sure, it's a big order, and we fall short of the ideal, time and again in the course of our daily lives. But that's no reason for us to stop moving toward our Big Ideas. To keep meeting, meditating, praying, singing and ritualizing together with other like-minded, open-hearted folks to share our strengths, heal our weaknesses, and feed our deep longings for connection to the "One Strand, indivisible - with affinity and respect for all. " To think Big Thoughts, feel Big Feelings, and see the Big Picture as we remember together: "We Are One."
With blessings and wishes for a safe and happy summer,
Rudi Harst
THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.
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