Friday, November 24, 2017


This year Thanksgiving Day means more to our family than ever before. From the very depths of our Being, we truly recognize that each and every day is a gift to be savored and treasured in the Precious Present, rather than being measured against some illusory "better" time in the past or future. We also have a renewed appreciation for the gift of our friends, family and community who showered us with so many, many blessings in our time of need.  

May you, too, feel deep gratitude for the gifts in your life, and the power of this rich Celebration Circle community which you have co-created with your time, talent, treasure -- and love.
With blessings, 
Rudi & Zet

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Monday, November 13, 2017


     I've had difficulty writing more than a few sentences at a time over the past month. Simply unable to concentrate my attention in whatever area of the brain the writing process resides; some say it's a natural consequence of the residual, post-collision shock waves rippling through my nervous system.  All I know is that my life-long habit of writing at least a couple of pages of creative output daily has definitely been disrupted in recent weeks.
     Body movements have been constrained as well. No Tai Chi Chuan is possible for awhile yet, much less yoga stretches or twice-daily, mile-long walks with the dogs.
     On the other hand, I've had Big Fun playing my guitar much more than usual. Forced to spend hours a day sitting down with left leg propped straight out over a footrest, I've had my guitar cradled in my lap for much of that time. Flurries of improvised notes flow effortlessly out of my heart, giving voice to my deep feelings of gratitude for the many, many gifts with which my family has been showered during this month of healing.
     Listen closely. Perhaps you can hear my song of gratitude flowing out towards you through cyberspace, because I'm so glad for your companionship in the Circle community...
     Rudi Harst
PS: I'm delighted to be performing a benefit coffeehouse concert at Inner City Development Center next Saturday, alongside our good friends, Rod and Patti Radle. Like I said in the paragraphs above, I've got a whole bunch of musical energy flowing through me, and I really look forward to sharing it in this heartwarming space. See details below.

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


     I'm glad to report that Zet and I are continuing to heal very well across multiple dimensions in the aftermath of the car wreck. It's been a heart-opening, mind-widening process to observe our energy levels rise and pain-levels fall on an almost daily basis, as our bones and muscles keep mending and shifting to adapt to wheelchairs, crutches and rolling walkers in turn. We've had the good fortune to be blessed by the many, many friends who've generously shared healing skills, herbs, meals, rides, financial support, prayers and household help - all of which have definitely affected our healing process.
     Not that it's all been peaches and cream. Because we've long been focused on holistic healthcare prior to this event, I had never really dealt with health insurance companies and allopathic medical providers before. Now I'm literally getting a crash course in patience and perserverance while navigating the bureaucratic maze of mainstream American healthcare. It's been humbling, too, to have to rely on others for transportation, and to have learn new ways to do such simple things as bathing, dressing and walking. Nothing too difficult, but all of it is slow going, demanding concentration, humility and the ability to stay grounded in the Now. The other day I found myself joking to a friend that it feels like I've enrolled in an Advanced Level Training in Mindfulness and Compassion.
       But it's interesting to note that the single greatest challenge I've faced throughout this process is learning to stay open to receive all the love and support coming our way.  As with many folks, it's generally easier for me to give than receive - but in this situation, it's been particularly challenging because of the sheer volume of love and support flowing abundantly through our lives. Time and again, I find myself starting to demur and deflect when someone offers to help, only to encounter the contracted energy that accompanies such deflections, which reminds me to stay open and receptive to the abundant flow of love instead. Because as my beloved friend and mentor, Arnold Patent, taught me years ago, "Abundance is the natural state of the Universe. Any attempt to resist that abundance will result in some form of pain or contraction."
     Apparently, it's taken quite a while to understand that lesson, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Moving forward, I choose to remember that there is no need to struggle or resist the free flow of love moving through me, regardless of what situation or person may be involved. At least, that's my intention, and I'm sticking to it.
     Rudi Harst

PS: Speaking of time, remember that Daylight Savings Time ends tonight! 
So set your clock back one hour before going to bed, which will give you plenty of time to join us for Sunday Morning Circle at 11:00am, with our special musical guest, Dana Cooper. You won't want to miss this one!!

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.