Last week, 17 year-old, Kaylee Foster was crowned Homecoming Queen of Ocean Springs High School in Mississippi. After her coronation during halftime of the annual homecoming game, she took off her tiara, donned her football helmet, and proceeded to lead the Ocean Springs Greyhounds to a 13-12 victory by kicking the game-winning extra point in overtime (having kicked two field goals earlier in the game)!
Reading about this game made my heart smile. At a time when so many folks are talking about the horrors of sexual abuse and gender discrimination, I believe that Kaylee's story is a wonderful affirmation of the positive ways in which our culture is evolving, too - and that everything is possible for those who are willing to stay focused on their dreams.
I mention this because this weekend we'll be celebrating the Autumn Equinox with our annual Underground Sounds concert in the Cave Without a Name on Saturday night, as well as our Sunday Morning Circle. In addition to offering up a potent brew of resonant music performed in a stunning environment, the concert provides a powerful opportunity to re-affirm your dreams, and deepen your sense of abundance and balance during the upcoming season of harvest. There's something so uniquely empowering about gathering in the dark, moist womb of Mother Earth, 100 feet underground, surrounded by a multitude of magnificent stalagmites and stalactites, as well as fellow travelers on the path of Spirit.
And when, halfway through the concert, the lights are turned off and we're plunged into pitch-black darkness, there's something deeply moving about letting the rhythms of the music wash through you and lift up your dreams and visions of what you're choosing to co-create in life. I really hope you'll be able to join us in the Cave on Saturday night for this amazing experience; tickets are available on the Cave Without A Name
If not, perhaps you can connect with us on Sunday morning, whether in person or on-line through Facebook Live, as we continue to open ourselves to this rich, liminal time for manifesting our hearts' desires through uplifting words, music and meditation. It just wouldn't be the same without you!
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