My friend, Daniel, had cataract surgery last week. He's been needing it for years, but kept putting it off because of his fears. Fears about how much it might hurt, how much it might cost. Worried that something might go wrong. Thanks to advances in medical techniques, the chances of that happening these days is miniscule. Still, the very idea of having a doctor cut into his eye was more than he could deal with. So he didn't. For several years. Until recently his vision became so cloudy that it was hard for him to read a book, and even harder to drive at night.
So he finally had the surgery on his left eye last week - and sure enough, it turned out to be no big deal. He said it was over before he knew it. Painless. It made an immediate difference in his vision which has continued to improve in recent days. Now he's looking forward to having the same surgery on his other eye next week.
Talking to him made me think of the way we tend to put off making changes in our lives, whether out of fear of the unknown or a resistance to release the known. Hanging on to the current state of affairs, choosing to feel comfortable with our discomfort, rather than taking the risk to step out of our comfort zone. Choosing our habits over our health and well-being.
As we move toward the first day of autumn next week, and the shifting energies which that represents, I find myself asking: "What potentially positive changes have I been avoiding in my life?" I don't claim to have any easy answers, but it seems like an important question to ask, and now seems like the perfect time to ask it. So, I'll take the liberty of asking you this question as well: "What potentially positive changes have you been avoiding in your life?" It's as good a time as any to find some new answers.
At least, that's my story, but I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
Rudi Harst
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