Friday, September 28, 2018


Today we have been given
one more day to be of service
one more hour to love with heart wide open
one more breath to savor the sweetness in the air, as summer turns to autumn
and autumn turns our attention to the swift passage of time

Let us pause and remember how truly blessed we are
to be able to serve others in ways that may or may not seem to matter
to feel love flowing to and through those who surround us
to breathe in all the peace and power available to us now
and now...
and now...
May All Beings be blessed by our willingness to experience and express this now
and now...
and now...

With gratitude,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


     Last week, 17 year-old, Kaylee Foster was crowned Homecoming Queen of Ocean Springs High School in Mississippi. After her coronation during halftime of the annual homecoming game, she took off her tiara, donned her football helmet, and proceeded to lead the Ocean Springs Greyhounds to a 13-12 victory by kicking the game-winning extra point in overtime (having kicked two field goals earlier in the game)!
     Reading about this game made my heart smile. At a time when so many folks are talking about the horrors of sexual abuse and gender discrimination, I believe that Kaylee's story is a wonderful affirmation of the positive ways in which our culture is evolving, too - and that everything is possible for those who are willing to stay focused on their dreams.
     I mention this because this weekend we'll be celebrating the Autumn Equinox with our annual Underground Sounds concert in the Cave Without a Name on Saturday night, as well as our Sunday Morning Circle. In addition to offering up a potent brew of resonant music performed in a stunning environment, the concert provides a powerful opportunity to re-affirm your dreams, and deepen your sense of abundance and balance during the upcoming season of harvest. There's something so uniquely empowering about gathering in the dark, moist womb of Mother Earth, 100 feet underground, surrounded by a multitude of magnificent stalagmites and stalactites, as well as fellow travelers on the path of Spirit.
     And when, halfway through the concert, the lights are turned off and we're plunged into pitch-black darkness, there's something deeply moving about letting the rhythms of the music wash through you and lift up your dreams and visions of what you're choosing to co-create in life. I really hope you'll be able to join us in the Cave on Saturday night for this amazing experience; tickets are available on the Cave Without A Name
      If not, perhaps you can connect with us on Sunday morning, whether in person or on-line through Facebook Live, as we continue to open ourselves to this rich, liminal time for manifesting our hearts' desires through uplifting words, music and meditation. It just wouldn't be the same without you!
With gratitude and blessings,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Friday, September 14, 2018


     My friend, Daniel, had cataract surgery last week. He's been needing it for years, but kept putting it off because of his fears. Fears about how much it might hurt, how much it might cost. Worried that something might go wrong. Thanks to advances in medical techniques, the chances of that happening these days is miniscule. Still, the very idea of having a doctor cut into his eye was more than he could deal with. So he didn't. For several years. Until recently his vision became so cloudy that it was hard for him to read a book, and even harder to drive at night.
     So he finally had the surgery on his left eye last week - and sure enough, it turned out to be no big deal. He said it was over before he knew it. Painless. It made an immediate difference in his vision which has continued to improve in recent days. Now he's looking forward to having the same surgery on his other eye next week.
     Talking to him made me think of the way we tend to put off making changes in our lives, whether out of fear of the unknown or a resistance to release the known. Hanging on to the current state of affairs, choosing to feel comfortable with our discomfort, rather than taking the risk to step out of our comfort zone. Choosing our habits over our health and well-being.
     As we move toward the first day of autumn next week, and the shifting energies which that represents, I find myself asking: "What potentially positive changes have I been avoiding in my life?" I don't claim to have any easy answers, but it seems like an important question to ask, and now seems like the perfect time to ask it. So, I'll take the liberty of asking you this question as well:  "What potentially positive changes have you been avoiding in your life?" It's as good a time as any to find some new answers. 
     At least, that's my story, but I'm sticking to it.

With gratitude and blessings,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Did you know that it's Hunger Awareness Month?

The City of San Antonio's Faith-Based Initiative is spending September focused on hunger awareness in SA.  In order to support those who are hungry and food insecure in our city, Celebration Circle has created an actionable way of showing compassion by hosting a food drive this month. 

The San Antonio Food Bank has a list of the 12 most wanted foods. Shelves are at historic lows and the high utility bills from the summer only add to increased food insecurity in San Antonio.  
Financially, it has also been a historically low summer for the Circle. We know that the principle, as you give so shall you receive, is a reality. So we have created this opportunity to give to others.

Share this with friends and neighbors or host your own food drive.  It is a simple yet impactful way to make a difference, giving and receiving, together. As we remember, We Are One!
Please bring any of the following to Sunday morning Circle or Wednesday night Meditation:
Peanut Butter, Cereal, Tuna, Beans, Rice, Mac & Cheese, Chili, Canned Stews, Canned Soups, Canned Luncheon Meats, Full Meals Can/Box, Pop Top Food Items.
In joy,
Zet Baer


     A huge hackberry tree in our backyard was blown over by Hurricane Harvey, exactly a year ago this week. We're very fortunate that it missed our living room by just a few feet, but we definitely miss the cooling shade it cast on the house. It also provided a lovely curtain of greenery right outside the double glass doors of our upstairs bedroom, giving us the illusion of waking up in a tree house every morning. So, it's loss created a big vacuum in the backyard -- or so it seemed at the time.
     But in the intervening months, the small anaqua tree that had been growing very slowly as understory beneath the hackberry underwent a sudden growth support, adding 30% to its height - as did the small, red oak tree that had been slowly inching upward in the shade on the east side of the hackberry. And the large stump itself keeps sprouting shoots, despite being cut back every time we mow the grass, in addition to the dozens of tiny hackberry trees that keep popping up all around that newly-opened area of the yard.
     In short, the vacuum created by that one tree has created space for multiple others to thrive. The old adage says, "When one door closes, another one opens" - but in this case, I'm invited to see that "When one tree falls, other trees have an opportunity to thrive."
     That certainly was true last year, when we cancelled our Sunday Circle due to Hurricane Harvey, and wound up doing our first-ever Facebook Live video, which drew over 300 viewers and initiated our weekly live on-line broadcast, it was something I had been resisting for years, and has proved to be very popular.
     Similarly, when I first heard a few months ago that the SAY Sí building where the Circle meets on Sundays was being sold, it felt like there would be a gaping hole in the Circle's future. Oh, no! Move out of this beautiful gallery space??? But before I had a chance to get bummed out, the executive director of SAY Sí invited the Circle to make the move with them to their brand new, much larger space. He also explained that the new location would include a magnificent meeting space, with excellent acoustics and sight lines designed specifically for gatherings like ours (unlike our current space, which was designed primarily as an art gallery, with difficult acoustics and visual elements that we wrestle with every Sunday).
     I am not at liberty to disclose the new location yet (though it will probably be made public soon), and it will be at least two years before the new space is fully renovated and the move is made, but it sure is exciting to think of the possibilities!
     Knowing this also made it a little easier when the general manager of the Bijou Theater informed us this week that their construction/renovation project is behind schedule, so our 15th Annual Sacred Art of Altars exhibit will have to be postponed until at least October. He was very apologetic, and promised that ours would be the very first exhibit, once construction is finished. Yet again, it seemed like a bummer when we first heard the news, until we realized that whenever our show does finally open, we will undoubtedly benefit from the splash of press attention, public awareness and fresh energy surrounding the newly remodeled space. Hmmm... on further reflection, I'm pretty sure that "When one tree falls, other trees thrive." At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.


     Zet and I recently spent a lot of time looking for a small replica of the Alamo to include in the altar I was making for the Circle's annual Sacred Art of Altars show. Because this year's exhibit coincides with San Antonio's Tricentennial celebration, I wanted to create an altar that remembered the Alamo as an ever-evolving symbol of the struggle over property rights and power that's been at the center of our city's history for 300 hundred years and counting.
     I took three separate trips downtown to scour numerous tourists souvenir shops for just the right Alamo-shaped tchotchke to glue into my altar. I found hundreds of them, of course, but none had just the right shape, size and color to fit my vision or my budget.
     Then, one morning last week, Zet came into the office, wearing a big grin and holding a beautiful night light, featuring a vintage postcard-sized, silk screened image of the Alamo. It was exactly what we had been searching for over the past few weeks. And the reason she was laughing was because she'd "found" it on our kitchen counter, where it has been plugged into the electrical outlet located behind our salt and peppershakers every day for the past several years! We both laughed till we cried, feeling foolish for having spent all that time and energy searching for an elusive something that's been right under our noses all along.
     Reflecting on the incident afterwards, I couldn't help but smile to think of how easy it is to miss seeing things that are "hidden from view" in plain sight. Whether it's a physical object we're missing, or some desirable course of action it's time to embrace - or some challenging patterns of behavior we're being asked to release - it's all too easy to overlook the cues and clues right in front of us.
     As we wave farewell to summer and move toward the season of harvest, I invite you to look within and around you to see if there's something that Life is asking you to view (or review) with new eyes. Some new passion or possibility waiting for you to re-discover. Or perhaps some limited way of thinking you're ready to let go of.  
     As for me, I took the "discovery" of the night light as a reminder to do something about the fact that we have way too many sweet, neat and yet completely unnecessary possessions cluttering up our kitchen (and living room, office, guest room, storage shed, etc.). Time to do some de-cluttering. Who knows what other art projects or possibilities will emerge from the realm of the unseen?
     With gratitude and blessings,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.