Sometimes, when I've let myself get upset about the latest political conundrum, the current cultural clash and/or the horrific news, I find myself wanting to blame someone else for this mess. But then I remember that I am complicit, as most of us are, because I'm not doing much about it, as most of us aren't. We're following along with the flock, like sheep... So I wrote this song and made this video (with my dear friend, Linda Cuellar, doing almost all the work!) as a way of helping myself and others laugh at ourselves while simultaneously issuing a not so subtle call to action: let's fix this mess! Let's find another way to be!
As a sacred activist, I do my best to keep my eyes and heart open to both the joys and sorrows of the world, and to take compassionate action when possible. While I certainly vote regularly and have political opinions, too, I aspire to move beyond the old, dysfunctional divisions of Us vs. Them, Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, and embrace a more global, universal perspective that honors our deep connection with the Earth and all beings who dwell here alongside me. Not just as a good idea, but as a way of living from the inside out: walking softly on the Earth, interacting compassionately with others and listening for guidance along the way. I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm committed to the journey, and it's in this spirit that I offer this video. If you enjoy it, feel free to share it with others. In any case, thanks for reading and listening for a few minutes as we travel this path together.
With gratitude and blessings,
Rudi Harst
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