Zet and I are so very grateful for the amazing outpouring of love and support we've experienced since surviving a high-speed, highway car wreck near Midland last Friday. It's a miracle that we're alive at all, much less doing as well as we are. Zet, my dad and his partner, Dawn, are all back in their home towns, having been transferred to rehabilitation centers where they will undergo physical therapy in San Antonio, New Braunfels and Seguin, respectively. I am convinced that the positive outcome is due in large part to the abundant outpouring of love that was sent our way within minutes of the accident, thanks to the supportive power of the Circle community, multiplied by the speed of social media. We literally had hundreds of people praying for us before our ambulances even reached the hospital from the rural site of the collision, and that number has grown exponentially since then - which has blessed us many times over.
This has been a humbling process on many levels. All four of us experienced painful injuries, which will take some time to deal with. Each of our lives were changed drastically, plus our newly purchased 2014 Honda was totaled before we even made our first car payment. Nonetheless, I truly believe that this wreck is one of the best things that ever happened to us, topped only by the day Zet and I met for the first time. We've learned so many lessons from the incident, experienced such deep peace, and been inundated by so much love and affirmation, that I can't help but feel grateful for these gifts, even if they came wrapped in a devastating, painful collision. As the Book of Thessalonians reminds us, "In all things give thanks."
We are very grateful for the many people who have prayed for us, reached out to us, and blessed us with generous donations. We are still accepting contributions to our Medical Expenses Fund, you can DONATE at rudiharst.com
And we are truly thankful to you, for your companionship around the Circle, as we travel on this healing path together. Truly "all is well, and all shall be well."
With joy,
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