For the fourteenth year in a row, our altars have been hung in the Bijou Theater Gallery with care - in hopes that lots of folks will go see them there. And what a great show it is! As wonderful as each of the past thirteen Sacred Art of Altar exhibits have been, I truly believe that this the most colorful, delightfully varied collection of all. It's so much fun to look down that long gallery hall and see them virtually dancing on the wall!
A large part of the magic of this annual event is seeing the transformation of dozens of plain, identical, handcrafted wooden boxes become such diverse, richly-detailed and highly-individualized expressions of creativity. I can think of no better physical demonstration of the paradox inherent in our Oneness and Diversity.
But, as much as I enjoy contemplating the aesthetic, spiritual and philosophical dimensions of this annual Circle exhibit, it's even more fun to hang out in the gallery and watch the faces of the unsuspecting moviegoers faces as they drift from the lobby toward their movie screening room, only to encounter the multi-dimensional magic of the altars. These folks are there to see a film, then unexpectedly find themselves first surprised, then captivated by the mystery, majesty and oblique spirituality of these sixty altars hanging in a row on the wall, in the middle of a mall setting. Personally, I think of this as being a kind of "sacred sneak attack" on the sensibilities of innocent bystanders -- a gentle, but penetrating way of sharing the Circle's purpose ("to honor and nurture the Sacred in all creation") with the broader community. It's sort of like guerrilla warfare in reverse: instead of a violent, explosive provocation, it's a gentle, inclusive invitation into the wonders of life.
I really hope you'll also get the chance to see them in person sometime during the next two weeks. Make a date: bring a friend or two, buy them a tasty beverage or snack and give yourself the time to really view the exhibit deeply, walking slowly down the hall, examining each one for a minute, maybe more -- and then go back and spend at least 3-5 minutes of silent time with The One Altar that spoke most directly to you; allow it to draw you in and make you look deep within yourself for a few moments... And then take a few minutes to express, explore and expound with your friend(s).
Perhaps you will join us for the Closing Reception on September 28th, which promises to be another upbeat celebration of our shared energies. (see details below).
However, If you live outside the San Antonio area or just haven't been to see the show yet, you can view photos of the altars on the Circle's gorgeous website photo gallery, thanks to the generosity, energy and technical wizardry of Penny Malone, Karl Franklin and Jeff Chestnut, simply by clicking here.
Thanks to all the artists who created these amazing pieces - and the valiant crew of volunteers who helped collect, transport and hang them. What great work you did in providing us with this stirring visual reminder that, truly, "We Are One."
With gratitude and blessings,
Rudi Harst
PS: This Saturday night, September 9, I will be hosting and singing at JOINT EFFORT COFFEEHOUSE, along with my good friends and musical cohorts, Patti + Rod Radle; Dana Clark, Piper Tilton and John Whipple. Rousing songs will be sung, a meal will be served and Big Fun will be had. Dinner, conversation, candle light and crayons -- all for a suggested donation of $8, more or less (children free). It's a real deal and promises to be a great deal of fun, too. Doors open at 7:00 and buffet dinner served; music starts at 7:30 at the Inner City Development Center, 1300 Chihuahua Street. All proceeds support the ICDC programming.
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