People often complain about how busy they are, how little time they have for themselves, how few opportunities there are to do what they love to do; because they've got so much that they "have to do." Many of my peers are retired now, and almost all of them have told me something like "I'm busier now than I ever was when I was working!" - and they're only half-joking.
I'm not criticizing; because I sometimes hear myself saying similar things, although I do my best not to do so, knowing full well that what I focus on expands. Instead, I chose to focus on the power of Sacred Rest, knowing that there are many benefits to be gained by pausing from busy-ness periodically in order to turn inward. Taking time to become fully present, relaxed and re-energized by allowing the free flow of Life to move through me, to me and from me. Plugging into the vast field of energy which is readily available when we stop Doing long enough to inhabit our Being.
Maybe you recognize yourself in one of the two preceding paragraphs. Maybe you're planning to attend our upcoming weekend retreat on October 13-15, which will be a wonderful, extended opportunity to get some Sacred Rest in a beautiful nature setting. And if you can't make it for the whole weekend, perhaps you'll consider coming for the Saturday only option (see details below). You'll be really glad you did!
But, I also know that it isn't necessary to go anywhere or do anything special in order to get some Sacred Rest. It's available right where you, wherever you are, whenever you are ready. I had a particularly amazing experience of that just a few days ago, when seven friends came to our house to help us haul a huge, 35-foot tall hackberry tree out of our backyard.
It had been knocked down by the winds associated with Hurricane Harvey, and a kind neighbor had used his chain saw to cut it into manageable pieces, leaving a ton of heavy branches and logs that needed to be carried out to the curb for city pickup. It was Big Fun to work alongside these generous friends for a couple of hours, but it was also hard, sweaty work for a desk jockey like me. Most of the heavy lifting I do usually involves moving a pen across paper!
Halfway through the process, panting from the effort of dragging yet another heavy branch across yard, I stopped in my tracks and stood in sacred rest, drinking in the view of my kind-hearted pals working alongside me, sinking into my breath and really feeling the sweet ache in my sweaty arms and back - and experienced an extraordinary swell of energy zooming through my spine, pouring into my heart and gushing out into the world. It probably took less than a minute of chronological time, but seemed to last an eternity, and left me feeling totally energized, renewed and imbued with quiet joy that made the rest of the work just fly by.
I'll be exploring this process of Sacred Rest in more detail during the next two Sunday Circles, as well as at our Retreat weekend, and it would be great to see you there. But, I also invite you to join me for a few moments of Sacred Rest, right now, right where you are, just as you. Turning within, with eyes closed, or eyes wide open, resting in the rich, sweet sacred space that is Now. And Now...and Now... That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
PS: Thanks, too, to all the generous artists, volunteers and donors who helped make our 14th Annual Sacred Art of Altars art exhibit and silent auction our most successful one yet! It will be several weeks before we will know exactly how much we raised, but the level of artistry and generosity of all involved was truly extraordinary!
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