Once again this morning, shortly after I woke up, I found myself floundering under the tyranny of The Illusion of Success - thinking that I need to work harder, become more organized, make more money, become someone that I am not yet.
Well-meaning friends, family members and total strangers have been confidently urging me forward toward my Future Fame and Fortune since I was a toddler, and 60+ years later I'm still struggling with that notion. So much so that I could wake up at 5:45 this morning, already feeling like I'm behind schedule!
Feeling both unable and unwilling to walk any faster or work any harder, I sit here wondering when this incessant pressure will stop - and then it occurs to me: Why not NOW?
Why not let go of this illusion, which I made up and which no longer serves me. Why not remember that there is nowhere to "get to" - and nothing I must become other than who I AM. Sure, there are still phone calls to make, meetings to attend, tasks to tend to. I'm not talking about neglecting responsibilities. I'm merely choosing to release my attachment to my life being anything other than what it is, at this moment. This is enough. I am enough. And enough is enough...
And, no, this is not the first time I've had this thought. And, yes, I may well forget again this afternoon. But, for now, I simply simmering in Enough-ness - and invite you to consider doing the same. Ahhh..
With joy,
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