Standing bare-foot in the yard,
facing into the rising sun,
feeling the cool, damp grass between my toes,
drawing my attention simultaneously down into the lush greenery beneath me
and the brightening sky above.
The dawn chorus fills the ears of my heart with more bird calls than I could begin to identify; the wet grass tunes my soul
to the vibrations of the green growth all around me.
What a gift to stand among the scores of trees in sight,
to lift my arms and greet the dawn
and imagine I AM one of them: standing motionless,
my arms/branches spread out to bask in the morning light;
my legs/trunk drawing energy and nutrition up from the soil;
my skin/leaves "feeding" on the fresh spring air all around me;
sprouting new growth from every strand and cell in my body.
I swear I can feel the living truth of Easter,
a time of renewal and rebirth;
of Passover as an exodus
from the old and entry into a time of new beginnings.
Joined in awe and wonder
with humans all across the ages and continents
celebrating this time of year with festive gatherings
and sacred rituals.
Overhead, a red-tailed hawk calls out
My heart soars up to the sky in greeting...
and extends itself to you, Dear One
With Joy,
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