There is an old Zen tale of a new devotee who was particularly zealous in his efforts to become enlightened. He would spend long days and nights sitting in the meditation hall, seldom stopping to eat, sleep or exercise. As he became thin and pale from his efforts, the abbot of the temple urged the monk to slow down, relax and take better care of himself, but the young man declined.
"Why are you being so hard on yourself? What's your hurry?" asked the abbot.
"Because I am seeking enlightenment, and there's no time to waste!" replied the young man.
"And how do you know that the enlightenment you seek is somewhere out ahead of you, and that you need to rush to catch up to it? Could it be that it is somewhere behind you, and that all you need to do to encounter it is to relax awhile and let it catch up with you -- instead of running away from it?"
Have you had a chance to take a vacation recently? To really "vacate" yourself, in the sense of letting your self be emptied of your concerns and cares for awhile? To slow down and let feelings of bliss and blessing overtake you, rather than running after an imagined outcome that will deliver such feelings?
For many people in Texas, school is starting again this week, signaling the unofficial end to another summer. So, in the spirit of relaxing for awhile as we bid farewell to summer, we'll be joining in a time of deep relaxation, extended meditation and inner re-creation during the Morning Circle, followed by a potluck picnic lunch in Roosevelt Park.
And then next Saturday, August 27th, I will be leading a one-day, meditation retreat from 10am-3pm that we're calling "Simmering In Silence." Both days will be focused on generating a field of calm, centered energy - and allowing ourselves to slow down long enough to let feelings of bliss and blessings overtake us, right where we are.
Hopefully, you will be able to join us for one or both of these gatherings. But whether or not you can join us physically, I hope that you, too, will take some time to relax, reflect and remember to let your Highest Good catch up with you!
With gratitude and blessings,
THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.
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