Shortly before dawn, I wake with a yawn and take a few moments to simmer in gratitude before moving any further. Gratitude for this day, this breath, this opportunity to wake slowly in a comfortable bed, in a safe space. Feeling the grace of this moment, the power of a healthy body and the Field of Infinite Possibilities stretching out into the day(s) ahead, I give thanks for these many blessings and open my heart to feelings of deep peace.
Yet in the space of the few seconds it takes to walk from the bed to the bathroom and begin my daily round of morning rituals, several members of my mind's Board of Directors have already begun barking orders, racing forward through a long list of all the many things I didn't get done yesterday and that "I have to do" today. Fortunately, I recognize them for who they really are: my old friends, Fear, Doubt and Lack, once again masquerading as the authors and editors of that Bottomless To Do List that I have been dragging around for years.
I choose to withdraw my attention from them and focus on the active presence of Love, Ease and Abundance instead. Yes, there are plenty of things to be done, but I choose to view them from a place of remembering that All is Well, and All Shall Be Well. That my needs are provided, and will always be provided, every step of the way, today and everyday. For I am a faithful steward of all the resources which have been given to me, and will continue to be, as I move forward with a receptive heart and an open mind.
I realize that my fears, doubts and regrets are mostly just things I've made up. While it's not helpful to deny their existence, neither is it helpful to give them the kind of feverish attention they demand. Instead, I simply stand back and observe them as they arise, recognize them for what they are, release them gently and re-direct my focus to the Light I see and the Love I feel in this moment, now. And now. And now...
This is how I choose to start my day. Perhaps you find it helpful to do something similar. In any case, may you, too, find the time and space to feel Grace moving through your life, today and everyday.
With gratitude and blessings,
THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

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