Imagine this: you're busy running errands, driving through the summer heat, steering wheel in one hand, fiddling with the stereo with the other, trying to find a tune to suit your mood, which isn't particularly good at the moment. Up ahead, you see the traffic light turn yellow. With pulse racing, you mash your foot down on the accelerator in order to beat the red light and keep zooming right on through the busy day ahead, hoping there isn't a traffic cop nearby to witness the fact that you probably didn't make it.
Now imagine the same scenario, only this time, you make a different choice. When you see the light turn yellow, you decide to take this as a friendly reminder from your Higher Self to take a break. As your right foot eases off the accelerator and on onto the brake pedal, you take a slow, deep breath, observing your belly rise and fall as the car coasts to a halt. Tuning into your heart, feeling it open softly, you reach over and turn the music all the way down, and sit in silence, letting your mind go blank, and simply feeling what it's like to do absolutely nothing for a minute, while watching the world zoom by the busy intersection. Ahh...
Soon enough the light turns green, and someone behind you honks. Instead of getting mad, you glance into the rear view mirror and smile gently at the frowning driver behind you. Knowing that she is merely reflecting your own impatience, you send her a brief blessing, while simultaneously directing that same smile inward to yourSelf, too.
Easing your foot back onto the accelerator, you continue on your way. The world around you has stayed more or less the same, but inside everything's changed. Your mood has lifted, and you've shifted into a quieter, gentler space. Simply because you chose to embrace a one-minute, mini-meditation by turning inward while sitting at this intersection, rather than hurtling mindlessly toward your next destination.
Or not. The choice is yours (and mine) to make, one stoplight, one phone call, one "interruption" of our plans at a time...
With blessings and wishes for a relaxing summer,
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