For the past week, many of our conversations, personal and public, have once again been overshadowed by deep grief, speculations and concerns about the latest mass shooting. This time it's the name of that city in Florida, previously best known for making millions of people smile with its vast amusement parks, which has joined Boston, San Bernadino and Ground Zero on the growing list of places that have become synonymous with a swirling vortex of violence, hatred and fears of the unknown.
Depending on who you are and where you stand, this is the most compelling tragedy yet because it reflects a perfect storm of forces for and against a whole range of issues in one ball of wax: gay rights, gun control, anti-Muslim sentiments, enhanced surveillance techniques and the divisiveness of the presidential election campaign. It's quite likely that you, too, have a strong opinion and deep-seated feelings around this event, and the only thing I know for sure is that you're absolutely right. Really.
Because, if there's anything I've learned over the many years I've been actively engaged in public discourse of all shapes and sizes, it's that every person involved in a discussion is right. Regardless of the facts and opinions involved, there is no one Truth to be found at the level of political, social, legal or economic action, reaction or discussion. There's always plenty of urgency, passion, conviction and data that can be readily summoned. But Truth? As far as I can tell, that dwells only in the spiritual realm, in that place beyond discussion, within that ineffable mystery we call "Love."
Do you disagree with me? That's fine, too, because it just underscores my point. I'm not writing this to argue, much less explain or explore what happened in Orlando. Plenty of others have already done that. I'm here to bear witness to the power of Love. To remember that whenever we find ourselves feeling grief, anger or fear in the face of an event - however near or far, large or small, violent or silent - what we are being called to do is Love.
And yes, there are many pressing, concrete actions that need be taken, injustices to address, regulations to be written, security systems to be built. And yes, it's entirely possible that I'd feel differently if my son or daughter had died in that nightclub. But those are largely theoretical constructs, more perfectly good reasons to stay stuck in my Monkey Mind, rather than heeding the invitation to Love. So, instead, I choose to focus my energy on heeding that invitation, as an artist, a father and Spiritual Director of Celebration Circle. That's my prayer, that's my song, that's my story - and I'm sticking to it.
In the spirit of peace,
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