In preparation for my 64th birthday later this week, I gave myself a couple of days of contemplative space to prepare consciously for the coming year. In addition to being quiet and creative by turns, I spent some time revising my personal list of Ten Allowances. This is a set of personal guidelines that I wrote shortly after our sixteen year-old son, Mateo, was born, as a way of summarizing and reinforcing the spiritual principles and practices that I choose to use as the basis for living from the Inside Out. I've found these to be very helpful in dealing with the incessant societal pressure to live from the "Outside In" and focus on doing rather than being, on products rather than process.
A few years later I revised them as the summary chapter of my book, Hurry Slowly, and now I've rewritten them again. They've evolved as I've evolved, and no doubt they'll change again in years to come. In the meantime, I offer them here for your consideration.
1. I allow myself time to listen. Sitting still and focusing directly on Deep Silence works -- but so does focusing on a flower, rock or candle. I give myself regular opportunities to simmer in the silent spaces between my thoughts. It takes practice.
2. I allow myself time to connect with my Purpose in life. Having created a succinct and powerful Statement of Purpose, I focus on it frequently.
3. I allow myself to follow my intuition. It is central to staying on course and living from the inside out. (Hint: It requires listening. See #1 above.)
4. I allow myself good food and drink. There's no need to get rigid about it -- but my body's engine functions better when it is being filled with the optimum fuel. I already know what those foods are, and I eat them as often as possible.
5. I allow myself time to do what I love to do as frequently as possible. Better to spend a few minutes doing it today than to put it off until that Magical Someday when I'll have more time.
6. I allow myself to notice what I really "dislike" to do - then do it anyway from time to time, with as much love as I can muster. Amazing gifts arise from embracing the activities/people I dislike, instead of trying to push them away.
7. I allow myself to "fail" the tests and temptations that arise occasionally. The tests are inevitable. Some I'll pass with flying colors; some I may seem to "fail" miserably. But the Good News is that these are "open book tests," i.e. the answers (or at least some helpful clues) are usually available when I stop, look and listen with my heart. (see #1...)
8. I allow myself to associate with other people who are doing what they love to do. Birds of a feather succeed together! I do my best to give, buy or barter from people who are doing/selling what they truly love - and others tend to do the same for me.
9. I allow myself to notice if what I'm doing feels too hard. As soon as possible, I pause to spend a few moments relaxing until the feeling of struggle passes and is replaced with a sense of peace. Nobody said life would always feel fun - but, by and large, there's no reason why things can't feel peaceful.
10. I allow myself to enjoy the process of remembering my Path. It's important not to beat myself up when I forget or lose my way. When I notice that I'm off track, I let myself feel good about the fact that I've remembered. What I focus on expands -- so I might as well focus on peace, love and abundance.
With love and blessings,
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