A thick blanket of fog hovers down low to the ground, and I can scarcely see my dogs as they dart along the path a few yards ahead. It's the first foggy day of autumn, adding an ethereal, otherworldly twist to our daily, early-morning ritual of walking along the gravel trail that winds through our neighborhood along the banks of the San Juan Acequia. We're less than two hundred yards from the Mission Reach section of the San Antonio River walk, but there's not another soul in sight, because this twenty-acre stretch of woods and grasslands is visually isolated from the river.
Part of me has been instantly, magically transported back through time to 1974 and I'm a young man once more, aimlessly traipsing through the foggy moors of rural England, trying to make sense of life, searching for some far-off, hidden treasure... But the sharp sound of my dogs barking brings me back to the moment at hand, demanding that I pay attention to the large, green grasshopper they've encountered, temporarily floundering on a log next to the path, strands of spider web wrapped around its hind leg.
I shoo the dogs away to give the hopper time to escape, and in doing so, I notice another spider web draped over the stalk of grass right next to log, and then another web on the next stalk over, then another, and another and another... Holy mackerel! How could I have not noticed this before? There are literally thousands upon thousands of spider webs spread out across this meadow, with a separate web suspended from the tops of almost every single blade, branch and bush in sight. Looking more closely, each shimmering strand of each web is strung with countless tiny, silver dewdrops, creating a breathtaking display of jewelry. Each web is a stunningly complex and eye-catching creation in its own right, but taken as a whole, the vast tapestry of interwoven webs covering acres of meadowland is a potent reminder of just how complex and mysterious nature is, and how wonderfully interconnected we are: grasshoppers, dogs, logs and humans alike.
Forty years later, I suppose I'm still strolling through a foggy meadow, trying to make sense of life. Only this time, I'm doing so while carrying my treasure inside my heart: a deep sense of reverence, awe and gratitude for the simple gift of being alive. And, at least for now, this is enough.
With gratitude and blessings,
PS: Speaking of travelling through time... I invite you to join me this Saturday night at 8:30pm, when Rudi + the Rudiments will be bringing the Circle vibes to the Olmos Pharmacy, located at at the corner of Hildebrand and McCulloughwith an upbeat blend of original songs and creative cover of tunes from the 60's and 70's. Lots of fun, lots of free parking -- and no cover charge!
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