What follows is a continuation of the piece I wrote last week, as part of my intention to experience, explore and express Spirit as fully as possible during the course daily life, which includes our current trip to Spain and the Netherlands for my daughter's wedding.
I feel very blessed to be standing on the beach in Ibiza at sunrise, meditating on the seven energy centers (chakras) in my body, in preparation for another full day of wedding festivities. What a gift it is to be breathing in the freshness and beauty of Talamanca Bay, where the clear, blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea dance against the muted light of the not-quite-visible sun, while a number of multi-hued yachts bob gently at anchor and a flock of pelicans fish for their breakfast in the harbor.
In a couple of hours, this beach will be full of sun worshippers, but for now I'm simmering in the silence of total solitude, with not another soul in sight. Accompanied only by the fading light of the last few stars, I imagine that they're winking at me, reminding me that they'll still be shining brightly in the day sky, despite the fact that I can't see them with the limited vision of my human eyes. "Pay attention," they seem to say, "for there's so much more to life than meets the naked eye."
Standing on the constantly shifting margin between land and sea, where the clear, calm water intermittently laps against my ankles, I dangle two fingers into the surf, then touch them to my lips. I taste You, O Wonderful One, in the wet, salty sweetness and slight bitterness, too. Soon, it will be time to go back into the hotel to greet the other wedding guests at the breakfast table, then get ready for today's festivities. But for now, I can't help but feel that I AM truly kissing the Divine in this water, and wish to linger as long as possible.
Choosing to drink You fully in this precious, present moment, I bend down, dip two fingers once again, then place them on my scalp to re-baptize myself, activating my crown chakra, and opening to the infinite, unlimited possibilities available now. And now. And now...
Dipping and dripping the sacred water once again, this time on the center of my forehead, where the third eye is focused on the One Light illuminating all of creation, beautifully reflected and refracted in the shimmering sea, stretching out as far as I can see.
Soon more drops of water are coating my throat, as I pray that I may speak and sing in ways that bear Fair Witness to Your power and presence throughout the coming day.
Dipping once more, then dribbling water over my chest, doing my best to feel the One Love moving freely around me, within me, through me, as me. Just as surely as this clean, clear water swirling past my feet is an indivisible part of the one ocean that touches all the shorelines of the world, I AM connected to all of creation through the power of this One Love, too.
The next wet touch lands on my solar plexus, the nexus of power and peace, located between my navel and the bottom of my rib cage. I choose to access the full measure of power available to me here, by affirming my willingness to allow Thy Will to be done through me, on all levels of creation.
The following affirmation sinks down through my groin, where the seawater joins with the limitless flow of creative energy moving freely through me. Not coincidentally, it also reminds me that I AM much more than a passive observer, for this energy center holds an untold measure of potential co-creation ready to be made manifest on the physical plane.
Feeling centered, I enter one last round of bending and dipping, touching the water to the base of my spine, embracing the desire to move beyond simply surviving into a place of truly thriving. Whatever fears or limitations may appear through the coming day, I choose to experience, explore and express You fully, now. And now. And now...
Feeling much stronger than before, I turn around and head for the hotel door, knowing only good will come from this process of contacting, connecting and cleansing these energy centers with You, Dear One. May all beings be blessed by my willingness to do this. Amen.
With gratitude and blessings,
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