As we were on our way to the Farmers Market this morning, out of the corner of my eye I saw some brilliant colors on a wall and just had to turn the car around to look up close. The image above is what I saw and it lifted my heart! I must admit that I have been feeling the ongoing relentless nature of our lives right now -- the pandemic, divisive politics, future of our postal service, unemployment, overall defunding of the arts, back to school issues for teachers, students, families...it just seems like so much sometimes. Maybe you have felt that too these days?
So this mural in downtown San Antonio allowed me to shift, gave me reason to remember that my thoughts do matter. I am reminded of the quote from Sai Baba, "All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter." I invite you to join me, as we keep our heads up, focus on the positive, remain grateful for what we have in our lives and to always remember that Optimism starts right here!
In joy,
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