One Sunday morning late in December last year, a friend approached me after the morning Circle with a big smile on his face and said "the best Christmas present I got this year was the New Year's Letter of Intention I wrote to myself in the Circle last January." And then, just a few minutes later, a different person approached and used exactly the same words to describe her letter as being the "best Christmas present" she'd received as well! Both of them said they're looking forward to taking part in our annual guided meditation letter writing process again this year.
That goes for me, too! Writing and reading my Sacred Intentions has always been one of my favorite Circle activities. That's why I really hope you'll be there with us in this Sunday's Circle, and take part in our process of forming Sacred Intentions collectively for the coming year. Of course, it's something you could do at home alone, too. But it's just not the same as being part of a large group of people who are aligned in consciousness, truly feeling our Oneness with our deepest Self and our Source while supporting ourselves and each other in tapping into the Field of Unlimited Possibilities.
Whether you're physically present in the room with us, or participate via our Facebook Livestream video, your co-creative energy would be most welcome and helpful. It just wouldn't be the same without you. In any case, I trust your New Year is off to a great start, with much more goodness headed your way in the days and year(s) to come.
With blessings,
Rudi Harst
Speaking of starting the New Year on a powerful, positive note, I'm delighted to report that the Circle has met and exceeded our Year-End Fundraising Campaign goal of $20,000!! We have received $21,513.67 to date, which means we've more than made up for the lost income from our postponed Altar Show, and have started 2019 with abundance. THANK YOU to all who have donated and made this happen with your prayerful thoughts, creative fundraising ideas, and generous donations! Please continue to hold abundance for the Celebration Circle in your heart as we work to restore our Circle savings account. And if you would like to help us do so, you can make a one time or a recurring donation by clicking the donate button below.
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