If you've been around the Celebration Circle for a while, you probably won't be surprised that my Holiday Gift to you this year is the same one I often extend, in one form or the other. It's the Precious Present. A simple reminder that this present moment is infinitely valuable and precious, containing limitless possibilities and the potential for truly experiencing a "Peace that passes all understanding." It's priceless; not even the richest person in the world can buy this moment. But it's also very fragile and easy to lose track of in the whirl of everyday activity.
That's why I'm inviting you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season and accept this gift of the Precious Present. It's not really mine to give, because only you can give it to yourself, just as only you can receive it. So my gift is simply the process of reminding you of your gift.
It's not a new gift, yet it's always fresh and sweet - and you're always free to do whatever you want with it. Savor it alone in silence, or share it with a quiet group of meditators; use your Divine Imagination to send it out through a noisy group of friends or wrap it around a whole world full of total strangers, if you'd like. There are no limits to this gift.
In any case, won't you take a few minutes - or even just a handful of seconds - to breathe calmly, sink into this Precious Present... and send silent affirmations of inner peace, strength and joy to every cell and fiber of your Being...
And then, if you're willing, maybe you'll even join me in "re-gifting" by sending your awareness of this Precious Present out to someone else, or perhaps direct it to all beings everywhere, literally sending your Inner Joy to the World. It truly is "the gift that keeps on giving" - and is especially welcome at this time of the Winter Solstice, as we affirm Light and Hope in the face of darkness.
With blessings to you and your Loved Ones, and best wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year,
Rudi Harst
If you've been reading, you know that we kicked off our Year End Campaign at the end of November with a goal of raising $20,000 by December 31. Well, so far we have raised $14,832.14. THANK YOU to all who have donated and THANK YOU to those that will. Please continue to hold abundance for the Celebration Circle in your heart. And if you would like to help us reach our goal you can make a one time or a recurring donation by clicking here
. Every amount makes a difference! We can do this together because We Are One!
With gratitude for the gift that you are,
Zet Baer
THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.
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