You may have noticed that we haven't said much recently about our 15th Annual Sacred Art of Altars exhibit, originally scheduled to be on display in the Santikos Bijou Gallery from September 1-30. That's because it's still postponed indefinitely, due to the ongoing renovation of the theater's concession/lobby area that was supposed to have been finished by mid-August, but remains incomplete - as it may well be for several months longer. Or not. We simply don't know.
We apologize to the artists who created and donated the many fascinating, richly textured "nichos" for this show. And, frankly, the Circle bank account sorely misses the projected income from our primary fundraising event, specifically timed to compensate for the annual slump in donations that tends to occur during summer. Fortunately, we've always had several months worth of operating expenses stashed in the Circle savings account; unfortunately, we have now spent down much of those funds, although we still have 42 shares of stock in Apple that were donated some years ago and are being held in reserve.
We're telling you this as we (along with many other nonprofit organizations) move into the season for year-end fundraising campaigns. We used to be deeply uncomfortable about asking others for financial support of Celebration Circle, but have come to understand that the deeply poetic, metaphysical work of the Circle can only continue as long as the prosaic, practical and financial foundations of our community are maintained as well.
This Sunday we begin our Intentional Giving Circle pledge drive for 2019, and we're asking you to commit to a monthly recurring and/or sustaining donation to support the financial life of the Circle through the coming year. Then, beginning next month we will also be conducting our Year End Campaign with a goal of raising $15,000 by December 31.
In short, you'll be seeing the donate button in its many different forms and hearing repeated requests for your financial support for the next few months. Please remember, this is not separate from our work as an inclusive, co-creative interfaith community - it is an integral part of it.
Having said all that, we don't want to dwell on any sense of lack, nor ask you to make a donation from a perception of missing anything. Instead, we invite you to join us in feeling deep gratitude while affirming the vast field of love, abundance and support, which has sustained the Circle community over the past 26 years. Whether you choose to use the following link to make a one time donation, place cash or checks in the offering bowls on Sunday morning, or become a part of our Intentional Giving Circle, please help us visualize having more than enough resources to continue this work of honoring and nurturing Oneness.
With gratitude and blessings
Rudi Harst
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