More than a few times I've found myself feeling trapped by emotions that seemed to be "caused" by some difficult person or situation. Like the guy in the cartoon above, I was usually stuck behind bars that I'd created in my own mind, trapped in a jail of my own making. Over the years, I've learned that whenever I find myself feeling stuck, it's helpful to pause, step back and take a long, slow, prayerful look at the situation from the inside out, and listen for guidance from the Still Small Voice within. Inevitably, not only is there a path around the seeming obstacle and out of the "jail" I've created from my emotions, but the situation is actually a gift which contains some valuable lesson(s) for me to learn, if I'm willing to watch and/or listen for it to emerge.
The great spiritual teacher, Baba Hari Dass, once said, "When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are his pockets." These days, when faced with a seemingly difficult situation, I do my best to look for the saint, the gift or teacher to be found inside the situation, rather than look for a way to pick a pocket, make some profit, or "win" my desired outcome.
Granted, it's much easier said than done, but it's always worth a try, should you find yourself feeling trapped by someone or some circumstance. Why be like the guy in the cartoon, and stay stuck behind your limited view of the situation? At least, that's my question, and I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
Rudi Harst
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