Winter's clearly behind us here in South Texas, and spring is signaling her warm, vibrant energy of rebirth and renewal in many wondrous ways. The birds, bees, trees and breezes are all doing their best to get our attention by whispering: "Hello, humans! Come join us outdoors - breathe, listen, watch! Remember, there's more to the world than what you can see from your window, your car, your computer screen. Come outside and touch, smell, feel some of that delicious, nutritious more-ness..."
Having heard this invitation myself, I'm taking the liberty of extending it to you. Won't you take some time today, tomorrow or sometime sooner than later to go outside and let the waves of spring energy wash through you for a few minutes or more? Gardening or hiking or biking or simply standing still in a space that allows the Sacred to brush your face, soften your heart, and remind you of your amazing, grace-filled place in the great circle of life.
Perhaps you can join me and my musical friends this Saturday night in the Cave Without a Name for our annual Spring Equinox concert, for what's sure to be a rousing experience as we focus on this energy of spring from deep within Mother Earth together. Or maybe you can come outside and spend a Day in the Garden near Kerrville with us next month or our weekend-long Spring Retreat on the banks of the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels (details for both events listed below).
But hopefully, you won't have to wait that long to find yourself outdoors, drinking in the beauty surrounding you, hearing the lyrical song of rebirth and renewal being sung by all of nature. Wherever you go - whether it's in the courtyard of your apartment complex, the parking lot at work, a city park in your neighborhood, or just outside your back door - every blade of grass, every bird, every tree is buzzing with new life and inviting you to re-connect with that same vibration inside of you. Why not? At least, that's my invitation... and I'm sticking to it.
With joy,
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