As Hurricane Harvey approaches the Gulf Coast, we send blessings to those whose homes, health and safety are being threatened directly - and to the many others who are feeling anxious for themselves and their loved ones in this time of uncertainty.
In view of the severe weather predictions for the San Antonio area, we are cancelling this week's Sunday Circle gathering at SAY Sí, as well as the Qi Gong class that meets at 10:00AM. Rudi will lead the Wednesday night Meditation Circle as usual, and we look forward to gathering again next Sunday, September 3rd.
Whatever circumstances may arise this weekend, may our hearts stay open, may our minds stay clear, and may we take appropriate, compassionate actions toward ourselves and others, remembering that We Are One.
With love and blessings,
Rudi Harst
PS: Below, please find some valuable information on congregational preparedness provided by the City of San Antonio's Faith-Based Community Initiative, Department of Human Services, which is urging local faith communities like Celebration Circle to take compassionate action:
1. If you live in the South Texas area, please consider downloading the ReadySouthTexas app, readily available on GooglePlay and
. It is the official, comprehensive resource supported by the state and multiple local government agencies, as well as the National Weather Service, with the very latest information on weather and emergency logistics -- as well as readiness suggestions to help you help yourself and others
. It is the official, comprehensive resource supported by the state and multiple local government agencies, as well as the National Weather Service, with the very latest information on weather and emergency logistics -- as well as readiness suggestions to help you help yourself and others
2. If you would like to volunteer to support the thousands of Gulf Coast evacuees who are seeking shelter in San Antonio, please contact the SA Red Cross at 210-224-5151
3. Visit www.sanantonio.gov or the City of San Antonio Facebook or Twitter pages for more information.
For the complete list of the SA Faith-Based Community Initiative suggestions for ways to respond compassionately to this situation, click here.