I am very happy about each of the many different inspirational events the Celebration Circle has produced over the years, but I'm particularly proud of Underground Sounds, our seasonal concert series in the Cave Without a Name. That's just one of several reasons that I'm really looking forward to performing there again next Saturday, June 17th, to celebrate the Summer Solstice with an amazing group of musicians.
There's something so powerful, so timeless, so deeply moving about gathering with scores of other people in this gorgeous limestone cavern, located 180 feet inside the earth, as we celebrate the changing of the seasons with a mix of ancient and modern instruments pulsing in rhythm and resonating off those magnificent limestone formations. What a sound!
And then, about halfway through the concert, with all the lights turned off, we are immediately plunged into a total, pitch-black darkness. Suddenly cut off from all visual input, an age-old instinct kicks in, making our ears acutely attuned to the environment to an extent that most of us have seldom experienced. And into that space of heightened awareness, we introduce the primordial sounds of the didgeridoo, drums, vocal harmonies and other instrumentation, all providing a degree of aesthetic and spiritual stimulation that can't really be described in words. So I'm not even going to try.
Instead, I invite you to join us for this amazing experience and find out for yourself why it's such an indescribable delight that's thrilled and uplifted thousands of people over the past 16 years. If you've attended one before, rest assured that this concert will be even better than the last one, because we have some amazing new musical surprises that I won't spoil with a verbal description because it wouldn't do justice to what you'll hear this time. And you can scroll down for details on the logistics and ticket information.
In any case, whether or not you are able to join us in person for this Summer Solstice event, I hope that your summer, too, will get off to a relaxing, refreshing and spiritually uplifting start, wherever you are, whatever you do!
With joy,
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