This is the Inaugural Weekend, when a new President will be sworn in as the so-called "leader of the Free World." Some people I know are feeling various shades of mad, sad or fearful about this transition; others are feeling glad, joyful or hopeful. As for myself, I've been feeling all those emotions at various times recently, but I'm doing my best to remember that's all they are: my emotions. I've made them up in reaction to some preconceived thoughts, perceptions and projections of what's going on in Washington D.C.
And, yes, I know that there will be all sorts of physical, economic and social consequences as a result of the political shift that is occurring. But I also believe that whoever occupies the White House is just an out-picturing of our collective consciousness as a nation. And that while the new Chief Executive may have some measure of political power, the real "leader of the Free World" is not the 45th President of the United States, it is me. And you. And anyone/everyone else who is willing to step up in consciousness to claim their limitless capacity for love and wisdom, and wield it consciously in the service of our Highest Good. Because, ultimately, Love is the only power that lasts. Political ideas come and go; empires rise and fall; only love endures and evolves.
Is that an overly idealistic vision? Perhaps. But that doesn't make it any less potent, or any less true, at least from where I stand in my understanding of spiritual principles. And to that end, I plan to attend a deeply personal Inauguration Ceremony sometime this weekend. There will be no flags waving, no bands playing, no speechmaking. Instead it will be a time of prayerful silence and contemplation, during which I will be "inaugurated" anew into the office of World Leader, and consciously accept both the awesome responsibilities and limitless possibilities of the position.
I invite you to consider doing the same, in whatever manner you choose, wherever you are, whatever your political persuasion. You might find yourself asking, "Just exactly what do you plan to do to carry out this role, Rudi? And what do you expect me to do, should I choose to accept this challenge?"
I don't pretend to know the answers to such questions. But I fully trust that guides and guidance will appear to help make things clear as we move forward. That our willingness to step up and into this role is sufficient for us to be bestowed with all the help and helpers we need along the way.
"We are The Ones we've been waiting for!" And, yes, the task is large, but the need is great, and much too important to ignore, much less think that "someone else can do that." At least, that's my story...and I'm sticking to it.
With blessings,
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