I've heard from a number of Circle friends who are feeling shocked, saddened and/or scared by the outcome of The Election this week. But I've also spoken with several other Circle friends who are happy because Trump won. Personally, I'm doing my best to simply listen to their feelings and opinions (to say nothing of the voices rattling around inside my own head...) without adding any judgments of my own for now.
Regardless of who they voted for (or not), most folks find it hard to know what to do with the high levels of anger, anxiety and uncertainty about our country's future, much less the widening divisions throughout the country. I don't want to be a Pollyanna, ignoring the pain and confusion around me; nor is it helpful to stick my heart in the sand and pretend that I don't have my own feelings about the aftermath of The Election.
But when one friend wrote to ask: "What does this election mean?" I found myself answering, "It means whatever meaning I choose to give it. And I, for One, choose to see this election as a pointed reminder to love and accept ALL the circumstances of my life, just the way they are."
Granted, there are many other political issues and societal consequences involved. And, yet, seen from a metaphysical perspective, it's important for me to remember that any person or situation that bothers me because I think he/she/it is too angry, ugly, dangerous, or _________ (fill in the blank with whatever qualities I find upsetting) is just a mirror reflecting some part of me that I'm uncomfortable with, and is asking to be embraced. Whether the person who I'm having trouble accepting is the President or the person standing next to me on the street, my first task is to be courageous enough to deal with my own discomfort, to come to peace with that part of me which is screaming for attention, before pointing my finger at anyone else.
Wanting to change the other person without being willing to change myself is a surefire recipe for living a life of anger and disappointment - because the outside circumstances can never do anything but reflect my inner state. Moreover, what I focus on expands, so why stay focused on the external circumstances and give them power to disturb me, when I am free to align with the Peace that Passes all Understanding instead?
And, no, that doesn't mean I need to be totally passive about politics, economics, environmental action or social justice. The question is, can I work for change from an inner space of peace and power, rather than feeling embattled and powerless?
And, yes, I know that it's much easier to state these spiritual principles than it is to put them into action, but that doesn't make them any less true or important. That's my purpose and that's my story -- and I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.
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