As we approach the Winter Holidays, I invite you to spend a few minutes in truly receiving the gift of the Precious Present - "the gift that keeps on giving." This gift manifests in many different ways, but in this moment, you're invited to experience it as Divine Light manifesting in you -- and to remember that it is a very real "reason for the Season" at this time of the year, with its colder days and longer, darker nights.
The gathering darkness takes many forms: personal, political, environmental and social, and it is all too easy to succumb to the many voices of anger, fear and hatred surrounding us. But the Divine Light calls us to see beyond these seeming illusions and focus on a higher, larger vision instead. To focus on the One Light and the Deep Abiding Peace which forms and informs us and everything arounds us. It is the Light of the Sun, giving life to all on Planet Earth, and it is the Light of the Holy One, vibrating through all of Creation. It is the Light of the Christ Child being born and reborn in you, and it is the Divine Light of Consciousness made manifest in each and everyone of us who is open to the possibilities of Conscious Co-Creation.
Whether you feel fully aflame, bursting with the Living Light - or able to locate just the tiniest spark in the corner of your heart - know that this Light is Divine, and fills all space and all time. That it is more than enough to Light your way forward on the Path of Life, one day at a time, one small step at a time, one breath at a time, Now.. and Now... and Now...
You are also invited to be mindful of the darkness of hatred, war, greed, global warming and environmental devastation which cast their growing shadows over our precious, blue-green planet. Living in denial is not healthy or helpful, so it is important to acknowledge the feelings of fear and despair that sometimes arise in the face of such darkness on both the personal and the planetary level.
And yet, here, in the silence of this moment, in the safety of this space, you're invited to release all judgements. To choose anew. To see the contractions of darkness for what they are, and then feel the power of choosing to align yourSelf with the expansiveness of the Eternal Light, flowing to you, through you, as an Amazing Peace, a Divine Presence, right here, right now.
Feel that you are not alone in this process, for there are many others in the Celebration Circle community, as well as countless other Light Workers throughout the world who share this vision and are joined in this consciousness with you. Together we affirm that we are undeterred by our fears, even as we feel them fully, for we find hope in welcoming and embracing the Divine Light. We find hope in the Light we are kindling, whether alone or in one another's presence... hope in our songs and prayers and silences... hope in our actions, taken one step a time...hope in this very moment...a moment pregnant with possibilities for peace, justice and well-being for All.
We affirm that the Divine Spark is alive and burning in the heart of each and every being on the planet. And we reaffirm our willingness to see, feel, nurture and support that Divine Spark within ourselves, each other, and all we encounter. May All Beings be Blessed by our willingness to remember and affirm, LET THERE BE LIGHT!
With blessings on your Holiday Season,
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