Saturday, December 27, 2014


           In the spirit of the Holiday Season, I'd like to offer you a special gift. If you've been around the Celebration Circle for a while, you probably won't be surprised that it's very similar to the one I gave you last year, and the year before, and the year before that, too.
            The format changes over time, but the essence remains the same, because it's the Precious Present. Which is to say that once again, I am inviting you to take a break from the hectic pace of the Holidaze for a few minutes, and fully inhabit the moment at hand. To feel and experience the free flow of Divine Light moving to you, through you and as you, right now, in this Precious Present moment.

            And, no, it's not really mine to give, because only you can give it to yourself. In truth, my gift to you is simply the process of reminding you of your own gift. But this time it's arriving in the form of the following guided meditation, focused on the Divine Light, and designed to support us in taking a few minutes to relax from the hustle and bustle of daily life, especially during this busy Holiday Season. To open to the fullness of who we truly are:  Beings of Infinite Light, Limitless Life and Unconditional Love.
            You may have heard this meditation as part of last week's Around the Circle, but we revised it as a video, since a number of folks had trouble accessing that audio file. Whether or not you've heard it before, I promise only good will come of your willingness to focus inward and meditate on the Light within in the form of a ten-minute video clip, available by clicking on the image of the candle above. 

            Of course, you are free to do whatever you want with it. Savor it alone in silence, or share it with a group of fellow meditators; forward it as an e-mail to a friend via the Internet, or use your InnerNet to send it out around the whole world via your Divine Imagination. There are no limits to the number of times and ways this gift can be re-gifted. It truly is "the gift that keeps on giving."
            In any case, I invite you to take this time to breathe calmly and sink into the Precious Present. Watch the flickering flame of the candle on the screen before you, and experience the Light alive in you and All Creation as you send silent affirmations of inner peace, strength and joy to every cell and fiber of your Being, and all beings everywhere. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Holiday Season and a Happy, Healthy New Year,

PS:  Many thanks to Joe Reyes for creating the audio, Ray Palmer for the enlivening keyboard music, and my son, Mateo, for producing this video. What a team! 

AND... We have a great article to share with you here, too, featuring Circle Band Director, Ray Palmer. It's from UTHSC where he's as researcher, know as Raymond Palmer, Ph.D. Check it out by clicking HERE!
  You'll get a glimpse into the man behind the music in the video above, and of the guy in the driver's seat of the band each Sunday morning. We Love You, Ray!

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