Saturday, May 3, 2014


 I swore that I wouldn't do it again, but it looks like it's going to happen after all...
            For the past several years, each time there's been Circle Weekend Retreat, I've spent Friday afternoon throughSunday morning at Slumber Falls Camp, soaking up the delicious blend of love, peace and tranquility that are generated there.  It's truly heaven on earth to spend the weekend with a bunch of delightful, caring, creative people; eating fabulous meals; listening, learning, laughing, and dancing together; wading in the cool, clear Guadalupe River, or meditating in silence underneath a canopy of cedar and cypress trees, while a symphony of water sounds and birdsongs serenades us.
            These qualities always seem to come to a climax during our Sunday morning outdoor service at Vesper Point as we gather to worship at the overlook together, drinking in the vast view of the river snaking its way through the Guadalupe Valley, tumbling over the limestone rapids located two hundred feet below. I always find myself singing with heart wide open, sighing in deep peace, while crying silent tears of joy.

            But then, as soon as the service is over, I rapidly shift gears, pack up my guitar and related paraphernalia, and zoom forty miles back down Interstate Highway 35 to the "regular" Sunday Circle service starting at 11:00am in San Antonio.
            While I've always enjoyed the chance to bring a heart full of High Joy Vibrations back to the city and share it with those who didn't get to be at the retreat, it can be a little stressful, too, if traffic is unexpectedly heavy, or some other glitch pops up. More than once, I've slid into the Circle with just enough time to plug in my guitar, my heart racing as we kicked off the opening song. When it happened again last November, I decided that the next time, I'd stay at the retreat through Sunday afternoon, and enjoy a slow, easy ride home.

            But... then I had the opportunity to book singer/writer/guitarist, Erika Luckett, for this Sunday, May 4th - thanks to our good friend, Janet Hans, and the folks at Urban Campfires, who booked Erika for a concert on Saturday and arranged for her to stay over for the Sunday Circle. Erika has long been one of my all-time favorite female vocalists, because she has such a resonant, soulful voice, writes powerful lyrics, has stellar guitar-picking skills, sings in multiple languages, tells colorful stories and is a profound spiritual teacher, as well. No way am I going to miss the opportunity to hear her, much less the chance to co-create a tapestry of deeply moving music and meditation together. Can't pass that up!
            I really hope you'll be able to enjoy the weekend retreat, which is going to be a wonderful experience.  (And yes, you CAN still register if you haven't done so yet.  Just click here for a link to register on our website).
            But if you can't make it to New Braunfels, be sure to join me for the Sunday Morning Circle at the SA Garden Center, as we welcome Erika Luckett back to the Circle, along with fellow singer/guitarist, Lisa Ferraro. I guarantee you'll be glad you did, even if you have to drive in from out of town - as I will be doing, with a big smile on my face and a song in my heart.
             With blessings,


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