Sunday, March 16, 2014


            Each day brings so many new tasks to my To Do list, so many e-mails, texts, phone calls and Facebook posts that it's almost too easy to become convinced that they constitute a reasonable degree of social life. But, as far as I'm concerned, they're mighty poor substitutes for the depth and richness of prolonged, in-person conversation, with the extended eye contact, physical warmth and sustained exchange of interpersonal energy that only a face-to-face visit with a loved one can deliver.

            One day, feeling the need to re-connect with a dear friend in this way, I wrote the little poem that appears below. Writing (and sending it to him) was the best way I knew to describe the syndrome - and to do something about it.
            It was no big deal, and yet, it felt like a quietly empowering thing to do, because it resulted in a mighty fine visit, and a much-needed respite from the pace of daily life.

            So, now I'm taking this opportunity to share my little poem here, as a roundabout way of inviting you to consider doing something similar with your dear one(s). They deserve it - and so do you. At least, that's my invitation, and I'm sticking to it.
            With blessings, 

To a Busy Friend

Okay, so let's say I was a superhero
who had the power to give the gift of time and space,
to bestow them as Grace upon anyone, anywhere.

yes, yes, and let's say that you, too, are a superhero,
with the power to receive all the blessings of the world,
whenever you wanted, wherever you were,
and that you also have the innate ability to confer this capacity on others.

and then, let's say the Bad Guys had a plan
to take over the world and force all grownups to work hard
very hard
day and night
and never have time for delight
nor follow the whisperings of their hearts.

oh, and let's say the Police Commissioner and the Governor
and all the King's Horses and all the King's Men were in on that plot -
and the only chance that the Free World has got
is for you and me to team up

and that all we need to do is agree to meet for an hour or two
to combine our gifts
and shift the Ruling Algorithm
long enough to speak quietly (or maybe not at all)
and let our superpowers melt,
one into the other,
until we feel restored and reconnected with ourselves and all creation
until there was only One.

And let's say that we knew this to be true
and took action on our knowing.
Then what?

Let's find out.

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