Friday, August 17, 2018


It's another blistering hot day in summer
The simple act of stepping outside into the harsh sunlight and crossing
the scorching pavement
can take your breath away if you're not paying attention.
Don't let it.
Breathe anyway.
A news bulletin flashes across the screen,
telling of another mass-murderer's rampage,
another massive outbreak of suffering crawls off the screen
and into your throat, threatening to lodge in your heart and
take away your faith in humanity.
Don't let it.
Have faith anyway.
The phone rings. A loved one has been rushed to the emergency room
she may not make it through the night.
A flash flood of tears threatens to drown your Light.
Don't let it.
Shine your Light anyway.
You sit down to meditate, eager to get calm and centered
in the middle of all these muddled thoughts,
while a flashing storm crashes through your brain
full of images and darkly imaged outcomes,
threatening to drown out the Still Small Voice of Love.
Don't let it.
Love anyway.

At least, that's my choice, and I'm sticking to it.
With gratitude and blessings,
    Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


     Almost every week I fill this space with a story or a reflection I've written. But this week I've been dealing with a source of stress that I let consume my time and energy. In response, I chose to focus on creating a song about the possibility of re-visiting the island of Isla Mujeres, located off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, where Zet and I have spent some truly delicious time in the past. Writing and singing this song is my way of getting as close to the beach as possible, while helping me stay cool mentally in the midst of this fierce summer heat we're having in San Antonio. It's also a powerful, fun-filled way of affirming that Zet and I will get to be there on vacation again sometime soon.
     I'm taking the liberty of  sharing this song with you here, as a way off affirming that you, too, deserve to manifest your heart's desire(s), whatever that may be. In any case, I hope that hearing and seeing this little video clip of the song makes your heart smile, as it did mine when I wrote and recorded this video. Enjoy! 

With gratitude and blessings,

     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


     This week, Zet & I had the good fortune to attend Astronomy In the Park, a sky watch gathering hosted every Wednesday night by the San Antonio Astronomical Association, weather permitting. This free event takes place in the darkened parking lot of Rimkus Park in Leon Valley, which offers a relatively unobstructed view of the night sky, thanks to an extensive greenbelt with minimal lighting. There was a particularly large and enthusiastic crowd, due to the fact that Mars was closer to the Earth (and therefore, bigger and brighter) than it had been in 15 years. I've been to a couple of such stargazing parties over the years, as well as the McDonald Observatory in West Texas, but this was by far my best experience ever, thanks to an astronomer named Steve, who was extremely patient, kind and generous with his extensive knowledge of astronomy, as well as his very powerful scope, mounted on a computer-controlled, motorized stand that made it relatively easy to shift focus from one point in the sky to another.
     That telescope afforded us a really good look at the swirling blanket of red dust that's been covering the surface of Mars this week, as well as showing the rings of Saturn and the bands of Jupiter in spectacular detail. But, even more thrilling for me was when Steve directed our attention to M13, a globular star cluster in the constellation of Hercules I'd never noticed or heard of before. Although I've long loved looking up at the stars and feeling entranced by the sheer immensity of it all, this was my first opportunity to view one of those distant points of light with sufficient time, technology and visual resolution to get a hint of the true enormity, complexity and mystery of what I'm seeing - and not seeing.
     To the untrained, naked eye, M13 looks like just another one of the many bright spots of light in the Milky Way, albeit one with slightly fuzzy edges. But thanks to Steve's generosity, I was able to get a glimpse of its true vastness, as that "little spot of light" resolved into a sprawling, multi-layered cloud measuring 125 light years in diameter, containing 200,000 individual stars, with countless planets and comets orbiting them, collective sending light that has travelled 130,000 trillion miles across space to reach my eyes 8,000,000 Earth years later as a mere twinkle!
     I had to stop and catch my breath. What an exhilarating, but humbling experience! What a stark reminder of how much there is to see beyond what I think I see; how much more there is to know than what I think I know.
      I would gladly have stayed a lot longer and learned more, but the host of the event announced that the park's entrance gate would soon be closing. As the loose-knit group of friendly strangers began to disperse and wander off in different directions across the dark parking lot, I couldn't help but see each one of us as being like M13, infinitely more complex, dynamic and mysterious than can be readily observed with the casual, judgmental eye I usually employ. How easy it is to forget that fact; how important it is to remember. May I be reminded of this lesson each time I look up at the night sky in the years to come.

With gratitude and blessings,
     Rudi Harst

THANK YOU for holding the Circle in your heart by visualizing a generous flow of financial abundance. Thank you for supporting us as we continue our work of fostering a creative, inclusive approach to spirituality. We are deeply grateful.