Although I spend big chunks of my time on the computer, I know very little about it and mostly use it for sending/receiving emails and as a word processor. It can be difficult to deal with computers under the best of conditions, but when something on my desktop, smartphone, printer, or tablet doesn't work, it's mighty easy to get frustrated and feel totally lost in the thicket of drop-down screens, unknown ip addresses, forgotten passwords and nonsensical security questions I have to wade through. And then there are the interminable wait times on the phone involved in getting tech support from someone who's reading from an indecipherable script that seems only vaguely related to the specific trouble with my router, modem, extender, service provider... arrrgghh!!
I don't think I've ever gotten as mad at any person as I've gotten with my computer and myself in the middle of techno meltdowns! It's embarrassing to admit, especially to myself, but this has been an Achilles Heel for years. So, when I started having intermittent trouble with e-mails on my desktop a couple of weeks ago, I did my best to ignore it at as long as I could, because I didn't want to get into another rage-fest. Finally, as the problems grew, I decided to take some time to sit quietly at my computer, and affirm that some helpful person would come and provide the support needed. And sure enough, the next night a long-time acquaintance, Flavio Vilches, attended the weekly Meditation Circle, as he had several times over the years. But this time, he mentioned in passing that he's an Information Technology specialist, who's operated his own IT support firm for since 1999. In all the years I've seen Flavio at various spiritual gatherings around town, I never knew that!
Upon hearing of the problem, Flavio immediately offered to help. But somehow my inner resistance to dealing with my techno-phobia was so strong I STILL managed to create reasons to put Flavio's visit off for another two weeks. But when it finally couldn't be delayed any longer, he came to the Circle office and magic happened. He was so calm, cool and friendly, so insistently pleasant in the face of my computer anxiety, that it just sort of melted over the course of the two hours he spent patiently dealing with various Help Desks and drop-down screens required to fix the problem. He was also able to explain what he was doing in terms that I could understand; if this same situation arises again, I might be able to handle it myself. And if I can't, I now have a kind, capable and resourceful friend to ask for help.
Of course, I'm grateful to Flavio, and would happily recommend him, should you or your small business need help with computer issues someday. But, more than that, I am so grateful for the reminder that Life always provides loving support, if only I'm willing to ask for and receive it. May you, too, feel yourself surrounded by helping hands and hearts, in whatever circumstances you may face.
With joy,
Rudi Harst