I recently found a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle in our grocery store parking lot. There was no one else nearby, and it brought lots of questions to mind, so I couldn't help but pick it up and take it home. How did it come to be there, separate from all the other pieces in the puzzle? What did the rest of the puzzle look like? Who dropped it? And will s/he find herself feeling frustrated when she tries to complete the puzzle without it?
While it's still an interesting, colorful piece of cardboard in and of itself, it doesn't have nearly as much meaning or value now as it would if it were connected to the larger picture. Nor can the whole puzzle ever be completed without this piece sitting on my desk.
Similarly, should you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, confused or out of sorts in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season, it's entirely possible that you have temporarily forgotten that you are part of a much larger whole. Perhaps you've succumbed to the illusion that you are isolated, alone and a victim of the circumstances that surround you. If so, won't you take a few moments to reconnect with Spirit, with the Sacred Mystery that binds us all as One. The same Divine Source that gave birth to billions of galaxies and the infinite complexities of life on Earth certainly has a sufficiency of resources to support you, too, if only you will pause, reflect and reconnect with that Source.
Of course, you are a valuable and powerful individual, too. But you don't have to have all the answers, don't have to figure out the best way forward, don't have to handle everything alone. In the words of the late Jesuit mystic, Anthony De Mello, "Life is not a puzzle to be solved, but a mystery to be contemplated." And, a gift to be received - if only you are willing to receive it in Peace. At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
With best wishes for a Blessed Holiday Season,
Rudi Harst
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