I love the story about the four-year old girl who was busily creating a large and colorful drawing, when her kindergarten teacher remarked, "What a beautiful picture! What are you drawing?" Without hesitation, the child said, "I'm drawing God." "But, but... no one knows what God looks like," answered the teacher." "Well," countered the child, "they will when I finish my picture!"
The little girl was demonstrating what so many of us adults tend to forget: that we are all free to choose when and how we manifest Spirit in our daily lives. That we are, in a very real sense, all expressing "what God looks like" through our words and deeds.
This Saturday night, the Celebration Circle will be celebrating our 25th Birthday, and we really hope you can join us for the big party. You'll find details about WHAT the party involves elsewhere on this page; but I'd like to focus on the WHY for a moment: because for more than two decades, the Celebration Circle has been gathering regularly "to honor and nurture the Sacred in ourselves, each other and all creation." To support each other in exercising our co-creative power to demonstrate "what God looks like" by making conscious choices about who we are, and what we're really here to express in our lives.
In doing so, we've been helping give birth to a powerful New Story being born in the midst of our dominant culture: a story of love, peace, sustainability and inter-connection that arises out of our willingness to experience, explore and express our Oneness. And it's amazing that we've been able to do so as an independent, interfaith community, without a formal membership process, and funded solely by individual contributions of time, talent and treasure from folks like YOU. And that's a big accomplishment!
So that's what we're celebrating this Saturday night, and why we hope you can join us in having Big Fun, as we remember, "We Are One."
With blessings and hopes of seeing you there Saturday night (and/or Sunday morning!!),
Thanks for supporting the Circle with your time, talent and treasure, just by reading this you are tapping into our collective abundant consciousness of Love. Please consider making a financial donation to support that consciousness by clicking