Saturday, February 7, 2015


         If you were to turn on your TV and tune into almost any newscast, you'd be greeted with lots of graphic evidence that the world is in terrible shape, wracked by war, greed and environmental devastation.
         But instead of doing that, I invite you to spend the next nine minutes with me, co-creating your own "broadcast" - simply by seeing the world with the eyes of your heart, listening to new possibilities emerging in the space between your thoughts and broadcasting them into the world using your incredibly powerful gift of Imagination.

         What follows is a beautiful song, "See Myself in You" ** along with a brief guided meditation on compassion, both of which were performed and recorded with the Circle Band last Sunday morning. It seemed like such a wonderful experience for everyone present, that I wanted to extend it to you here.
         This process is part of our participation in the 18th Annual Season for Nonviolence (SNV), which began on January 30th and is being celebrated by spiritual communities and organizations in 900 cities and 67 nations across the globe, including Celebration Circle. Sponsored by the Association for Global New Thought (, the SNV is an educational, media and grassroots awareness campaign spanning fromJanuary 30th to April 4th, memorializing the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with the aim of fostering peace through a wide variety of nonviolent actions and attitudes.

         Won't you please click on the link at the end of this paragraph and join me in envisioning a world of peace and compassion for a few minutes? Granted, it's not a particularly high-quality recording, nor was my voice in very good shape that day and, for that matter, right now probably isn't the best time for you to pause and meditate with me for nine minutes, either. But... why wait for the perfect time, the perfect place, the perfect words before taking action?
         Co-creating a new, world-wide culture of peace is a huge undertaking that requires many people embracing a variety of efforts in a many different places. But who, if not you? And when, if not now?
         So, if you're willing, you're invited to take a deep, calming breath now and click below to begin...


            Whether you've already opened that link or are waiting until later, thank you for considering the possibility of co-creating a new vision of peace, compassion and Oneness for ourselves and each other. You make a difference!

With blessings,

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