Saturday, October 4, 2014


          This week I have been astounded time and again by the natural beauty around me. From the Great White Heron I saw resting along the old acequia trail, to the Cottontail Rabbit that hopped across my path early one morning. And the spider web attached to the rearview mirror of my car, even after driving 30 miles on the highway! The soft tufts of Old Man's Beard blowing gently through the wind. The magical patch of Rain Lilies that sprung up overnight after the first rains of the season. The sun-kissed golden colored Burr Oak leaves that have drifted to earth. The Purple Bindweed that attaches its tendrils to everything in its path. The soft pastel morning sunrise greeting me from the east.  The spectacular twinkling stars in the clear night sky. The fragrance of the Rosemary bush as I brush past it. The intoxicating scent of the Night Blooming Jasmine. The eerie night calls of the Bard Owl. The happy chirps of migrating Ruby-throat Hummingbirds drinking from our feeder.

            Taking my morning walk, I ask myself:  Where am I when the beauty of nature is here and I don't see it, hear it, smell it? How much time do I spend fretting in my head instead of BEING in my heart? Am I more aware now because autumn has arrived, my favorite time of the year? I know that there is beauty all around me at all times, just waiting for me to see, smell, hear, touch and acknowledge. So, then...why don't I experience it all of the time?

            What can I do to remind myself to remain more fully attuned to my natural surroundings more often? I don't know "The Answer", but I feel that my willingness to take a deep breath - and to pay attention as fully as possible right now - is a good start.

Wishing you a wonderful autumn season,

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